Explore perfect color shades for website
design updated in line with trends

Color scheme #001
Opt for this color scheme to create designs that are sleek, modern, and uncluttered
Subdued Neutrals
Opt for this color scheme to create designs that are sleek, modern, and uncluttered
Color scheme #002
Employ this color scheme to bring a sense of refinement and luxury to your designs
Deep Elegance
Employ this color scheme to bring a sense of refinement and luxury to your designs
Color scheme #003
Use these vibrant hues to instill your designs with optimism and energy
Serene Seascape
Use these vibrant hues to instill your designs with optimism and energy
Color scheme #004
Use these colors to create designs that feel balanced, harmonious, and approachable
Grounded Harmony
Use these colors to create designs that feel balanced, harmonious, and approachable
Color scheme #005
Employ this palette to convey a sense of elegance, opulence, and sophistication in your designs
Jewel Luxe
Employ this palette to convey a sense of elegance, opulence, and sophistication in your designs
Color scheme #006
Use this color scheme to create designs that feel calming, friendly, and welcoming
Engaging Contrast
Use this color scheme to create designs that feel calming, friendly, and welcoming
Color scheme #007
Use these colors to inject energy and life into your designs, making them feel more dynamic
Vibrant and Lively
Use these colors to inject energy and life into your designs, making them feel more dynamic
Color scheme #008
This palette can help your design feel more relaxed, inviting, and open
Light and Breezy
This palette can help your design feel more relaxed, inviting, and open
Color scheme #009
Use these colors to give your designs a natural, comforting vibe
Versatile Expressions
Use these colors to give your designs a natural, comforting vibe
Color scheme #010
This palette utilizes a combination of light and dark hues to create a dynamic contrast
Dynamic Contrast
This palette utilizes a combination of light and dark hues to create a dynamic contrast
Color scheme #011
With a focus on warm earth tones, this palette feels grounded and organic
Earthy Warmth
With a focus on warm earth tones, this palette feels grounded and organic
Color scheme #012
This color palette features deep and luxurious hues that add a touch of sophistication to any design
Depth and Luxury
This color palette features deep and luxurious hues that add a touch of sophistication to any design
Color scheme #013
Cool, clear tones dominate this color scheme, giving a feel of cleanliness and simplicity
Cool Clarity
Cool, clear tones dominate this color scheme, giving a feel of cleanliness and simplicity
Color scheme #014
Use this palette to bring excitement and vigor to your design projects
High Energy Hues
Use this palette to bring excitement and vigor to your design projects
Color scheme #015
Use this palette to convey a sense of elegance, depth, and intrigue in your designs
Dark Allure
Use this palette to convey a sense of elegance, depth, and intrigue in your designs
Color scheme #016
This palette features soft pastel hues, perfect for creating a gentle, soothing design aesthetic
Soothing Pastels
This palette features soft pastel hues, perfect for creating a gentle, soothing design aesthetic
Introducing Spectrum Art Color Schemes for websites, your ultimate time-saving solution for achieving attractive and visually appealing designs effortlessly. Experience the power of color harmony and enhance user engagement with professionally selected color combinations. From vibrant and eye-catching schemes to subtle and elegant palettes,we offers a wide range of options to suit any brand, industry, or style.
This product offers carefully curated color schemes for every aspect of your website, from the background to buttons, text highlights, headers and more.Say goodbye to the struggle of endless color combinations and experimentation – we've done the hard work for you.Each color in the scheme comes with a corresponding HEX code alongside the element where it was used. By simply copying and pasting the codes, you can integrate the chosen colors into your project in any design tool including Bazium website builder. Get started today and create stunning websites with ease!